Access to a library of templates and resources including media bios and pitches from previous Hack Your Own PR graduates. Odette BarryJanuary 23, 2022
4 x 20-page workbooks with detailed tasks and background to embed the media theory. Odette BarryJanuary 23, 2022
2 x private strategy sessions to discuss your progress, ideas, research and refine your strategy. Odette BarryJanuary 23, 2022
2 x live calls with journalists, news presenters, and producers from outlets including Channel 7 News and Smart Company. Odette BarryJanuary 23, 2022
4 x 90-minute live theory sessions delivered by your PR mentor. Weekly homework tasks designed to cement your learnings. Odette BarryJanuary 23, 2022
Access to a private Facebook group that will be the fuel you need to bounce ideas and connect with fellow business owners. Odette BarryJanuary 16, 2022